MISSION of a tildeWorms AFFiliate (tildeAFFs)

-To Grow Worms and Produce Soil Amendment Preventing Food Shortage
-To sell in their Territorial Area reducing transportation cost and increasing product utilization.
-To Market their Products as tildeWorms – one Brand Name, One Marketing Effort

How tildeAFFs Works?

tildeAFFs (or affiliates) are supplied with worm by-products to sell at their local area (territory) to increase local availability and reduce shipping cost, keeping soil regeneration inexpensive for the gardener or farmer. tildeAFFS sell the products with the tildeWorms brand in behalf of their business name. AFFs graduate up to a 4th level in which they become loyal FRANCHISING AFFs privileged with additional level program benefits.

What are the different AFF levels?

-1st Level builds their worm population and compost to be able to produce their own vermicompost tea to sell to their local area. Note: tildeWorms aim to keep gardening and farming soil regeneration efforts convenient, therefore tea (aside from inoculated biochar) is the easiest by-product from vermicomposting that will provide soil regeneration.

-2nd Level builds on their 1st Level competence and upon producing excess vermicompost, and can sell their inventory of vermicompost to their local customers.

-3rd Level can sell tildePSL worm bins to reduce worm population and provide household gardeners their own vermi-tea production.

-4th Loyal Level sells other tildeWorms products such as the tildeTea – a more progressive vermi-tea that lasts longer than regular tea, the tildeMate – a worm bin automation system, and the tildeComposter – which can reduce the amount of time to decompose a composting pile.

-FRANCHISE Level converts an AFF to a franchising contract wherein all of the tildeWorms products can be sold by the franchisee. The franchisee also gets privileges such as EMERGENCY (BAIL OUT) fund, equipment rental, access to new projects and out-of-territory sales.




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